
Brief Description
ENTRANCES is a three-year project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The project finds its framework under the topic “Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) aspects of the Clean- Energy Transition” and call: LC-SC3-CC-1-2018-2019-2020.
The project aims to develop a theoretically-based and empirically-grounded understanding of cross-cutting issues related to SSH aspects (socio-economic; socio-technical; socio-ecological; socio-cultural; socio-political and socio-psychological; and gender related) of “Clean Energy Transition” in European coal mining and carbon-intensive regions, so as to formulate a set of recommendations in order to tackle these issues. The project intends to address challenges faced by these regions taking into account multi-dimensional perspectives involving different key players at territorial, regional, national, European, and global levels.

- Specification of ex-ante factors, dynamics and patterns analysed in the case studies and related to the change in economic, financial and demographic structures of the regions.
- Assessment of aspects such as energy and non-energy production sectors, regional consumption, regional incomes, fiscal transfers, price adjustment, migration, gender composition, age composition and other demographic trends.
- Identification of factors, dynamics and indicators capturing regional configurations of stability, lock-in and emerging innovation processes regarding core energy/production technologies and their cross-scale socio-economic embedding.
- Analysis of issues such as regime failure and destabilisation, niche formation, governance and intermediation as well as institutional entrepreneurship and transformative leadership.
- Specification of factors, dynamics and patterns capturing inter-relations between regional landscapes, ecosystems, actors and institutions, and resulting degrees of resilience and transformability of the case study regions.
- Analysis of interactions between various ecosystems, economic activities, and social identities at local and regional scales.
- Identification of socio-cultural stress factors, dynamics, and patterns related to socio-cultural stress dynamics.
- Analysis of local impacts of ongoing macro trends such as migrations, climate change, digitisation/automatisation of the economy and ageing population.
- Identification of ex-ante factors, dynamics and patterns related to conflicts connected with the climate/energy sector and in particular with “Clean Energy Transition” and with de-carbonisation of coal and carbon-intensive regions.
- Analysis of the clash of political visions related to climate change and energy transition in the regions with particular reference to the rise of populism.
- Identification of ex-ante factors, dynamics and patterns related to place attachment, belonging, identity, and outward migration psychology connected with territorial change
ENTRANCES is coordinated by the University of A Coruña, Spain. The consortium comprises of a total of 14 organisations.