About the Project
ENTRANCES is a three-year project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. It advocates “Clean Energy Transition” and will develop a set of recommendations for selected Coal mining and Carbon-intensive regions in Europe. The project intends to address challenges faced by these regions taking into account multi-dimensional perspectives involving different key players at territorial, regional, national, European, and global levels.

Overall Objective
To develop a theoretically-based and empirically-grounded understanding of cross-cutting issues related to SSH aspects (socio-economic; socio-technical; socio-ecological; socio-cultural; socio-political and socio-psychological; and gender related) of “Clean Energy Transition” in European coal mining and carbon-intensive regions.

Specific Objectives

To develop comprehensive knowledge and insights on the SSH aspects of transitioning to clean energy

To develop a better understanding of the challenges faced by the selected European coal mining and carbon-intensive regions

To co-create a set of recommendations from the project findings using multi-level perspectives

To contribute towards a common vision by taking into account societal implications and opportunities of “Clean Energy Transition”

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